《Prove》 introduce
Yuan Ye, the CPC underground liaison in Shanghai, lost his companions and superiors because of the betrayal of the mole hidden in the organization, and became an isolated island with no one to prove his identity. In order to prove his innocence to the organization, Yuan Ye found Yang Liu, a female college student who had been saved during the mission, hoping that Yang Liu could go to Yan'an with him to prove his identity.The patriotic young willow, who already had the vision of revolution, gladly followed as soon as she heard that she was going to the holy place of revolution. Yang Liu also gathered Zhou Xiaoran, Yu Qiaoqiao, Wu David, Bai Hua and other four students with the same ambition as themselves, and asked Yuan Ye to lead them on the road.Yuan Ye knows very well that although the students are enthusiastic, they are still young and unfamiliar with the world. Yuan Ye persuaded them to go back to study, but was opposed by the determined students. The mole"fishbone" and Wang puppet spies chased Yuan Ye, and the poor man hunted him down. Under the urgent situation of life and death, Yuan Ye had to take five students on the road.Along the way, the crowd was chased and besieged by spies and Japanese, and the journey to Yan'an was full of dangers. Yuan Ye uses his experience and intelligence again and again to resolve crises and protect students. It also makes five young students realize the true meaning of revolution and gain growth and rebirth in the experience of blood and fire, life and death.The purpose of this film is to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of Lu Xun Art Institute and remember the figure of the patriotic youth who went to Yan'an in the flames of war.
《證明》 繁體簡介
公元 2022年,由 赵博 等老师负责剧本编写,赵博导演负责制作,任帅,高艺嘉,刘之冰,贾冰,蒋宇扬,童安格 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《证明》,此影片于2022-09-02上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!万佳影视祝您观影愉快!
万佳影视于 2023-04-26 02:15:21整理收录此片,并在 2024-12-14 01:37:42再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《证明》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:证明2022电影,证明2022的2023次方大于2023的2022次方,证明2022年消防器材没有电子买场怎么写,证明2022阶交换群是循环群,证明2022的2023次方比2023的2022次方大,证 等。
- 1、请问电影《证明》什么时候上映?
网飞TV 影迷: 电影《证明》于2022年在中国上映 ,具体的上映日期为2022-09-02。 - 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《证明》?
奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《证明》免费在线观看,证明2022电影,证明2022的2023次方大于2023的2022次方,证明2022年消防器材没有电子买场怎么写,证明2022阶交换群是循环群,证明2022的2023次方和2023的2022次方,证明,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看证明免费网址:https://www.wjys1.cc/voddetail/83439.html这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】 - 3、请问《证明》什么类型的电影?
时代TV 网友:《证明》是2022年中国制作的动作,战争类电影。 - 4、请问谁有《证明》高清无删减版资源
美团电影 网友:万佳影视提供《证明》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站高清无广告!截止到2024-12-14 01:37:42,万佳影视提供的《证明》已经更新到 HD 画质。 - 5、电影《证明》演员都有哪些?
哈哈影视 网友:证明有以下主演:任帅,高艺嘉,刘之冰,贾冰,蒋宇扬,童安格 - 6、电影《证明》评价怎么样?
百度最佳答案《证明》评价很好,我觉得超级好看,首先选角很好,豆瓣和IMDb评分很高!剧情带入感很强!男女主令我动容,是一部非常优秀的电影。 - 7、电影《证明》Neflix影评
Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《证明》还不错的, 赵博导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 任帅,高艺嘉,刘之冰,贾冰,蒋宇扬,童安格等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。 - 8、很多人给2.0分,所以《证明》真的这么糟吗?