倒序《Ten Square Sword Saint》 introduce
In the ten square heavenly realm, the strong are respected. Young Lin Tian was tricked out of his property by his fianc é e Xiao Yun and the eldest son of the Mo family, Mo Sen, and was even pushed off a cliff. Fortunately, he finally woke up and was determined to seek revenge from both families and regain everything that belonged to him. Under the cliff, he accidentally obtained a mysterious black iron sword, which concealed divine skills and helped him refine into the supreme martial arts. Due to insufficient strength, he decided to first join the Jiuyang Martial Mansion and seek revenge when his strength matured. However, the elder of the Martial Mansion was Mo Sen's uncle, and Lin Tiannei was in a state of internal and external difficulties, facing numerous crises. Lin Tian began to act in a low-key manner, practicing martial arts and refining the technique of talisman formation. He secretly went out of the city to practice, fought against the Red Face Ghost, killed the Hundred legged Beasts, and captured the Blood Soul Flower. He encountered numerous adventures. His strength rapidly increased, but the Xiao and Mo families still did not repent. They ambushed, assassinated, and even launched a whole family force to encircle and suppress the mountain. However, Lin Tianshen achieved great success and broke it with one sword. Let's see how young Lin Tian takes revenge with blood, goes through hardships, and finally becomes the divine king, unifying the heavenly realm of ten directions!
《十方劍聖》 繁體簡介
十方天域,強者為尊,少年林天被未婚妻蕭韻聯合莫家長子莫森騙光了家產,還被推下懸崖。 僥倖未死的他終於幡然醒悟,决心向兩家復仇,奪回屬於自己的一切,在懸崖之下,他偶獲神秘黑鐵劍,此劍暗藏神功,竟助他煉成無上武道。 因實力不足,他决定先拜入九陽武府,待實力成熟後再行復仇,不料武府長老卻是莫森的大伯,林天內外交困,危機重重。 林天開始低調行事,苦修武道,精修符陣之法,暗中出城歷練,戰赤面鬼,殺百足獸,奪血魂花,奇遇不斷。 他的實力飛速增長,蕭莫兩家卻仍不知悔改,埋伏、暗殺,甚至發動全家勢力進山圍剿,而林天神功大成,自以一劍破之。 且看少年林天如何喋血復仇,歷經磨難,終成神王,一統十方之天界!
公元 2023年,由 落水 等老师负责剧本编写,王佳,张德方,鲁俊导演负责制作,主演内详/暂未更新 等明星实力参演的 国产动漫《十方剑圣》,此影片于2023-07-01上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!万佳影视祝您观影愉快!
万佳影视于 2023-07-01 20:20:03整理收录此片,并在 2024-12-03 15:58:31再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《十方剑圣》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:动作,动画,奇幻,古装 等。
- 1、请问《十方剑圣》什么时候首播的?
网飞TV 影迷: 国产动漫《十方剑圣》于2023年在中国播出 。具体的首播日期为2023-07-01,万佳影视更新很快的,基本实时同步优酷视频、 腾讯视频、爱奇艺等各大平台,你可以收藏一下万佳影视网址,手机的话可以把网址添加到手机桌面,跟APP一样方便,追剧的时候就可以第一时间观看啦!。 - 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《十方剑圣》?
奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《十方剑圣》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看十方剑圣免费网址:这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】 - 3、请问《十方剑圣》什么类型的动漫作品?
时代TV 网友:《十方剑圣》是2023年中国制作的动作,剧情,奇幻,古装类动漫作品。 - 4、《十方剑圣》是谁配音的?
哈哈影视 网友:十方剑圣由主演内详/暂未更新等老师参与配音。 - 6、《十方剑圣》评价怎么样?
百度最佳答案《十方剑圣》评价很好,我觉得超级好看,首先配音老师很优秀,豆瓣和IMDb评分很高!我现在已经追小说了,剧情带入感很强!剧情设计令我动容,是一部非常优秀的动漫作品。 - 6、《十方剑圣》评价怎么样?
百度最佳答案《十方剑圣》评价很好,我觉得超级好看,首先选角很好,豆瓣和IMDb评分很高!我现在已经追小说了,剧情带入感很强!男女主令我动容,是一部非常优秀的电视剧。 - 7、《十方剑圣》Neflix剧评
Netflix最佳剧评:我感觉《十方剑圣》还不错,出品方设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 主演内详/暂未更新等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。 - 8、很多人给7.0分,所以《十方剑圣》真的这么糟吗?