倒序《Clean government action》 introduce
Ten years ago, Shen Aoming and Tang Weicong joined the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) at the same time and received training together. They were like brothers and sisters, going through life and death together. He was the capable assistant of the chief investigator at that time, Bing Jie. Chen Aoming is intelligent and witty, with extremely high efficiency in handling affairs; Tang Weicong is disciplined, responsible, and thoughtful, making them the best partners. One day, while tracking a suspect, the two of them accidentally encountered a drug offender who was under police investigation. Tang Weicong reported to Bing Jie, who advised him to wait for support before taking action, but Shen Aoming was stubborn and believed that the two of them could solve the case and make achievements. So I didn't listen to my brothers' advice and rushed into the scene without authorization before the support arrived, but I was outnumbered and my left leg was injured during the fight. Afterwards, Shen Aoming became angry with his brother for standing idly by and resigned abruptly, never to be heard from again. Tang Weicong lived with a strong sense of guilt from then on. Over the past decade, Tang Weicong has solved many corruption cases with his resolute and hardworking work attitude. Later, he was promoted to the position of Chief Investigator. My team has a colleague named Li Jin'er who was transferred from the IT team. She is quick witted and sensitive, always calm in the face of changes. When investigating cases, she often uses her own methods to obtain clues with cleverness, reminiscent of Shen Aoming in the past, which makes Tang Weicong worry that the tragedy of the past will repeat itself. At the funeral of Bing Jie's husband, Shen Aoming, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly appeared. Seeing Shen Aoming again after ten years, Tang Weicong's heart was filled with mixed emotions. Tang Weicong suspected that a bank"head account" case involved money laundering and discovered that Shen Aoming, who had returned to Hong Kong, was actually involved. Originally, Shen Aoming was the military advisor of Malaysian businessman Mo Yikai. With his past experience in investigating in the ICAC, he provided advice and suggestions for Mo Yikai, and has repeatedly avoided investigations by criminal and anti-corruption agencies in various countries. Tang Weicong couldn't believe the clues he had obtained, and he blamed himself for it being ten years ago, which caused Shen Aoming's personality to deteriorate and he forgot his original intention of joining the ICAC to defend fairness and justice. As more clues gradually emerge, Li Jin'er tracks a suspected key figure involved in the case, Paul Shao, but suddenly kills a group of local gangsters, adding another variable to the investigation work of the ICAC
《廉政行動》 繁體簡介
十年前,沈傲鳴與唐偉聰同期加入廉署,一起受訓,情同手足,出生入死。 是當時總調查主任冰姐的得力助手。 沉傲鳴聰明機智,辦事效率極高; 唐偉聰守紀盡責、心思謹密,二人是最佳拍檔。 一日,二人跟踪一名疑犯時,意外遇上正被警方通輯的毒犯。 唐偉聰上報冰姐,冰姐叮囑等待支援才可行動,但沈傲鳴剛愎自用,認為憑二人之力可破案立功。 故不聽兄弟勸告,在支援到達前私自沖入現場行動,可是寡不敵眾,打鬥期間被打傷左腿。 事後,沈傲鳴惱怒兄弟袖手旁觀,赫然辭職,從此杳無音訊,唐偉聰自此帶著强烈的內疚感過日子。 十年來唐偉聰憑著堅毅不屈、踏實刻苦的工作態度,多年來破獲不少貪污案件,後來晋昇為總調查主任。 手下小組有一名在IT組調來的同事——李進兒。 她為人機智靈敏,處變不驚,查案時往往以小聰明,用自己的方法取得線索,有著當年沈傲鳴的影子,令唐偉聰不其然擔心昔日悲劇會重演。 在冰姐丈夫的喪禮上,一直消聲匿跡的沉傲鳴卻突然現身,相隔十年再次見到沈傲鳴,唐偉聰心底百感交雜。 唐偉聰在調查一宗銀行「人頭戶口」案件時,懷疑當中涉及洗黑錢罪行,並發現回港的沈傲鳴竟然牽涉其中。 原來現在的沈傲鳴是大馬商人莫以開的軍師,憑藉其過往在廉署的調查經驗,為莫以開出謀獻策,多次避過各國刑事及反貪機构的偵查。 唐偉聰不敢相信所得的線索,又自責是十年前的事,令沈傲鳴性格崩壞,忘記當初加入廉署捍衛公平公義的初心。 隨著更多的線索逐漸浮現,李進兒跟踪一名懷疑涉案覈心人物Paul少時,卻突然殺出一班本地黑幫人馬,廉署的調查工作亦再添變數……
公元 2022年,由 支雅卿 等老师负责剧本编写,曾励珍,罗香兰,林超贤导演负责制作,袁伟豪,谭俊彦,陈敏之,蔡思贝,周志康,陈晓华,杜燕歌,李成昌,邵展鹏,韩马利,吴家乐,胡诺言,陈明憙,黄嘉雯,关伟伦,冼灏英,卫志豪,李天纵,吴瑞庭,方力申,王志飞,谢东闵,彭怀安,姚嘉妮,刘温馨,杜大伟,谭凯琪,郑子诚,黄柏文,何启南,吕静文,祝文君 等明星实力参演的 香港剧《廉政行动》,此影片于2022-05-01上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!万佳影视祝您观影愉快!
万佳影视于 2022-05-03 13:55:52整理收录此片,并在 2024-09-05 21:06:26再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《廉政行动》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:廉政行动,廉政行动在线观看,廉政行动免费观看,廉政行动百度云,廉政行动下载 等。
- 1、请问《廉政行动》每天几点更新?
网飞TV 影迷: 香港剧《廉政行动》于2022年在香港播出 。具体的首播日期为2022-05-01,万佳影视更新很快的,基本实时同步优酷视频、 腾讯视频、爱奇艺等各大平台,你可以收藏一下万佳影视网址,手机的话可以把网址添加到手机桌面,跟APP一样方便,追剧的时候就可以第一时间观看啦!。 - 2、请问哪个网站可以免费在线观看《廉政行动》?
奈飞中文 网友:您可以用手机打开百度APP在搜索框里输入:《廉政行动》免费在线观看,就可以找到免费播放资源了。手机免费看廉政行动免费网址:这个网站免费无广告。 这个网站资源相对比较多,如果观看不了或者更新不及时只需要【切换线路即可】 - 3、请问《廉政行动》什么类型的电视剧?
时代TV 网友:《廉政行动》是2022年香港制作的爱情类电视连续剧。 - 4、请问《廉政行动》有多少集??
美团电影 网友:《廉政行动》共有5集,万佳影视提供《廉政行动》高清无删减版在线播放,这个网站提供全集高清在线无广告播放及mp4下载!截止到2024-09-05 21:06:26,万佳影视提供的《廉政行动》已经 已完结 。 - 5、电影《廉政行动》演员都有哪些?
哈哈影视 网友:廉政行动由袁伟豪,谭俊彦,陈敏之,蔡思贝,周志康,陈晓华,杜燕歌,李成昌,邵展鹏,韩马利,吴家乐,胡诺言,陈明憙,黄嘉雯,关伟伦,冼灏英,卫志豪,李天纵,吴瑞庭,方力申,王志飞,谢东闵,彭怀安,姚嘉妮,刘温馨,杜大伟,谭凯琪,郑子诚,黄柏文,何启南,吕静文,祝文君等老师参与出演 - 6、《廉政行动》评价怎么样?
百度最佳答案《廉政行动》评价很好,我觉得超级好看,首先选角很好,豆瓣和IMDb评分很高!我现在已经追小说了,剧情带入感很强!男女主令我动容,是一部非常优秀的电视剧。 - 7、《廉政行动》Neflix剧评
Netflix最佳剧评:我感觉《廉政行动》还不错的, 曾励珍,罗香兰,林超贤导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 袁伟豪,谭俊彦,陈敏之,蔡思贝,周志康,陈晓华,杜燕歌,李成昌,邵展鹏,韩马利,吴家乐,胡诺言,陈明憙,黄嘉雯,关伟伦,冼灏英,卫志豪,李天纵,吴瑞庭,方力申,王志飞,谢东闵,彭怀安,姚嘉妮,刘温馨,杜大伟,谭凯琪,郑子诚,黄柏文,何启南,吕静文,祝文君等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。 - 8、很多人给9.0分,所以《廉政行动》真的这么糟吗?